Monday, May 11, 2009

Things to say

I'm supposed to be studying for my MLBI test tomorrow, but I think I'm gonna sidetrack here a little and blog some stuffs.

You know, in life, everyone makes decisions which they regret. Whether is it not taking that job offer, deciding not to go for a meeting or even to take a different bus service.

Ever wished you could reverse all that and hoped that it would change for the better? Guess it's not ideal to stay dwell in the past and just look to the future. Instead of wishing how things could have been, why not consider how things can be.

Maybe if you've made someone angry, just apologise. You lost someone's trust, prove to them that you're a changed person, although once bitten twice shy.

I just got 9 things that I had wished to say but I never really had the chance.

1) It was the best decision in my life, as what I've always thought. I'm glad I took up that offer which led to that decision. Though things weren't always good, I'm just happy that I have something to boost about. Something sweet.

2) Thanks to you, I learnt to put down my ego at the correct times and even got myself further in life. Which eventually led to many wonderful things, I now find motivation in everything I do and I've become a better person.

3) If it wasn't for you, I cannot imagine how my life would be right now. A mess maybe.

4) It's just sad that things had turned out this way, I'm sorry for what I said and did, sometimes we tend to forget and take things for granted. Apparently it did for me and I would live to regret it.

5) You were a mistake but I enjoyed every seconds of it.

6) You didn't blew me away like the previous, but you gave me something to think about.

7) Awesome people, awesome group, awesome friendships and awesome for accepting me.

8) I didn't know what happen, but you did make me upset for a period of time, I didn't have much but I don't blame you. At least, I know I'm way better right now.

9) You're great, I don't deserve you.

There's no indication who those sentences are for, just for the anonymity. Some are pretty obvious, some aren't. Hopefully, you'll know when you see them. Time to move on.


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